Reading at BCP
Our Approach to Reading
The school follows the ORT model of 20 reading stages, each of which has been matched to a year group expectation level. It is important that children receive the opportunity to read a variety of books and therefore when changing reading books, they must alternate between fiction and non-fiction.
Children will be given a reading book from the reading scheme that matches their current reading learning (to secure and consolidate with a little challenge).
Pupils will bring in their reading book and log daily. The home reading log should be signed by parents and the child should have completed a statement (I enjoyed / did not enjoy this book because....)
To encourage a passion for reading, children will also bring home an inspirational book of their choice to share and read with their family.
Reading Champions
We encourage pupils to read 4 times a week.
Points are calculated and the winning class received the following;
Autumn - Hot chocolate with the Headteacher
Spring - Easter Egg Hunt
Summer - Ice Cream with the Headteacher